A Ball Player and his Page

size(cm): 45x50
Sale priceруб15.800,00 RUB


The painting A Ballplayer and His Page by artist Francesco Beccaruzzi is an 18th-century masterpiece that has captivated viewers for centuries. This painting, measuring 103 x 117 cm, shows a ballplayer and his page at rest during a ballgame.

Beccaruzzi's artistic style is Baroque, which is reflected in the dramatic composition and use of light and shadow to create an effect of depth and realism. The figure of the ball player is in the center of the painting, highlighting his importance and power. His page, on the other hand, is in the background, indicating his lower position in the social hierarchy.

The coloring of the painting is vibrant and striking, with rich shades of red, green, and gold. The details of the clothing and accessories of the ballplayer and his page are meticulously painted, demonstrating the artist's technical skill.

The history of the painting is interesting, as very little is known about it. It is believed to have been painted in Venice around 1700 and to have belonged to the collection of the famous British art collector Sir Joshua Reynolds. After his death, the painting was auctioned off and eventually acquired by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts in 1930.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that the ball the ballplayer is holding is actually a tennis ball, indicating that tennis and ball were similar sports at the time.

In short, Francesco Beccaruzzi's A Ballplayer and His Page is a stunning painting that combines technical skill, baroque style, and an intriguing story. Its rich color palette and dramatic composition make it a work of art that continues to captivate viewers to this day.

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