Pinturas famosas Pinturas Católicas

Catholic Paintings

452 products

Showing 193 - 216 of 452 products

Showing 193 - 216 of 452 products
pintura La Última Cena - Giotto Di Bondone
Sale priceFrom руб14.400,00 RUB
The Last SupperGiotto Di Bondone
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pintura La Última Cena - Willem Adriaensz Key
Sale priceFrom руб15.200,00 RUB
The Last SupperWillem Adriaensz Key
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pintura El Que Es De Dios Oye La Palabra De Dios - James Tissot
Sale priceFrom руб6.200,00 RUB
He that is of God hears the word of GodJames Tissot
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pintura Cristo El Redentor - Andrea Mantegna
Sale priceFrom руб15.200,00 RUB
Christ the RedeemerAndrea Mantegna
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pintura Cristo Como Redentor Sufriente - Andrea Mantegna
Sale priceFrom руб10.000,00 RUB
Christ as Suffering RedeemerAndrea Mantegna
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pintura Cristo Como El Hombre De Los Dolores - Albrecht Dürer
Sale priceFrom руб7.600,00 RUB
Christ as the Man of SorrowsAlbrecht Dürer
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pintura La Juventud De Jesús - James Tissot
Sale priceFrom руб5.300,00 RUB
The Youth of JesusJames Tissot
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pintura Lamentación Sobre Cristo Muerto - Anthony Van Dyck
Sale priceFrom руб15.200,00 RUB
Lamentation Over the Dead ChristAnthony Van Dyck
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pintura Una Mujer Llora En Una Multitud - James Tissot
Sale priceFrom руб6.200,00 RUB
A Woman Weeps in a CrowdJames Tissot
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pintura La Sagrada Familia - Andrea Mantegna
Sale priceFrom руб10.600,00 RUB
The Holy FamilyAndrea Mantegna
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pintura Jesús Llevando La Cruz - James Tissot
Sale priceFrom руб6.800,00 RUB
Jesus Carrying the CrossJames Tissot
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pintura Cristo En Getsemaní -Timoteo Viti
Sale priceFrom руб10.600,00 RUB
Christ in Gethsemane -Timoteo VitiTimoteo Viti
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pintura La Exhortación A Los Apóstoles - James Tissot
Sale priceFrom руб5.300,00 RUB
The Exhortation To The ApostlesJames Tissot
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pintura Crucifixión - Masaccio
Sale priceFrom руб10.600,00 RUB
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pintura Ecce Homo - Andrea Mantegna
Sale priceFrom руб9.100,00 RUB
Ecce HomoAndrea Mantegna
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Supper at EmmausSupper at Emmaus
Sale priceFrom руб13.300,00 RUB
Supper at EmmausCaravaggio
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Our Lady of GuadalupeOur Lady of Guadalupe
Sale priceFrom руб21.900,00 RUB
Our Lady of GuadalupeKUADROS
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pintura La Virgen Con El Niño, San Lucas Y San Marcos - Tintorettopintura La Virgen Con El Niño, San Lucas Y San Marcos - Tintoretto
Sale priceFrom руб15.000,00 RUB
Madonna and Child, Saint Luke and Saint MarkTintoretto
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pintura Madonna y el Niño - Sassoferrato
Sale priceFrom руб16.700,00 RUB
Madonna and ChildSassoferrato
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pintura Cristo Cargando la Cruz - Tizianopintura Cristo Cargando la Cruz - Tiziano
Sale priceFrom руб11.600,00 RUB
Christ Carrying the CrossTiziano
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pintura La Adoración De Los Pastores - Hugo Van Der Goespintura La Adoración De Los Pastores - Hugo Van Der Goes
Sale priceFrom руб38.000,00 RUB
The Adoration Of The ShepherdsHugo Van Der Goes
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pintura Adoración de los Pastores – Giorgionepintura Adoración de los Pastores – Giorgione
Sale priceFrom руб15.000,00 RUB
Adoration of the ShepherdsGiorgione
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