Portrait of a Cardinal

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price669,00 lei RON


Portrait of a Cardinal is a masterpiece of Renaissance painting created by the Italian artist Raffaello Sanzio in the year 1510. The painting shows a cardinal of the Catholic church, with a serene and thoughtful expression on his face.

The artistic style used by Raffaello in this work is the Italian Renaissance, characterized by the precision in the representation of the human figure and perspective. The composition of the painting is very balanced, with the cardinal seated on a throne and surrounded by symbolic elements such as the book and the miter.

The color used by Raffaello is very rich and vibrant, with a palette of warm tones that reflect the importance and power of the cardinal portrayed. The background of the painting is decorated with a red curtain, which adds a dramatic touch to the composition.

The history of the painting is very interesting, as it was commissioned by Cardinal Bibbiena as a gift to Pope Julius II. The work was highly appreciated by the Pope, who placed it in his personal study and considered it one of the best paintings in his collection.

In addition, there are little-known aspects about the painting, such as the fact that Raffaello used his own face as a model for the cardinal portrayed. There has also been speculation about the possible identity of the cardinal, although no definitive conclusion has been reached.

In short, Portrait of a Cardinal is a stunning work of art that reflects Raffaello Sanzio's skill and talent as a Renaissance painter. The balanced composition, the use of color and the story behind the painting make this work a priceless treasure of Italian artistic heritage.

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