Girl Holding a Tank and a Glass

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price620,00 lei RON


"Girl Holding a Tankard and a Glass" is a masterpiece by the Dutch painter Hendrick Terbrugghen, created in the 17th century. Original size 103 x 84 cm, this oil painting stands out for its distinctive artistic style and intriguing composition.

Terbrugghen's artistic style is part of the movement known as Caravaggism, influenced by the famous Italian painter Caravaggio. This current is characterized by the dramatic use of light and shadow, as well as the realistic representation of the subjects. Terbrugghen embraced these techniques and applied them masterfully on "Girl Holding a Tankard and a Glass."

The composition of the painting is captivating and enigmatic. At the center of the work is a young woman dressed in luxurious clothing and holding a jug and a goblet. His facial expression is enigmatic, inviting the viewer to interpret his thoughts and emotions. The figure stands out against a dark background, further emphasizing its presence and the mysterious atmosphere of the scene.

The use of color in this painting is remarkable. Terbrugghen uses a rich and vibrant color palette, with warm, earthy tones that enhance the beauty of the main figure. Details on the dresses and accessories are meticulously painted, showing the artist's technical skill.

The story behind "Girl Holding a Tankard and a Glass" is fascinating. Although not much is known about the exact meaning of the painting, it is believed to represent a socialite woman enjoying a drink. The jug and cup in her hands could symbolize wealth and earthly pleasure. However, the enigmatic expression of the woman and the darkness of the background suggest a more complex and mysterious story.

Although "Girl Holding a Tankard and a Glass" is not one of Terbrugghen's best-known works, its artistic quality and ability to captivate the viewer are undeniable. This painting represents an exceptional display of Dutch Caravaggism and remains an intriguing puzzle for art lovers.

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