Still Life with Bird Hunting

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price911,00 lei RON


The painting Still-Life with Game Fowl by the Spanish artist Juan Sánchez Cotán is a masterpiece of the still life genre. This work was created in 1602 and is currently in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

Sánchez Cotán's artistic style is very particular and is characterized by its realism and detailed technique. In this work, you can see how the artist has managed to capture the texture and color of objects very precisely.

The composition of the work is very interesting, as the artist has carefully arranged the objects to create a visual balance. The center of the work is occupied by a dead pheasant, surrounded by other animals and objects. At the top of the work, you can see two pomegranate branches, which symbolize fertility and abundance.

Color is also a very important aspect of this painting. The dark and earthy colors of the objects contrast with the background of a light and luminous tone, creating a very interesting effect of depth and chiaroscuro.

The history of this work is very curious, since it was created by the artist for his cell in the monastery of San Francisco in Toledo. It is said that Sánchez Cotán was a very religious man and that he painted to meditate on life and death.

As for little-known aspects, it is said that this work was very influential in the art of still life in Spain and that it inspired other artists such as Francisco de Zurbarán and Juan van der Hamen.

In conclusion, the Still-Life with Game Fowl painting by Juan Sánchez Cotán is an exceptional work of art that stands out for its detailed technique, balanced composition, and use of color. In addition, its history and its influence on Spanish art make it a very interesting work to learn about and appreciate.

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