Peasants Playing Dice Outside an Inn

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price622,00 lei RON


The painting "Peasants Playing Dice outside an Inn" by artist David El Tenier Younger is a fascinating work that captures the daily life of peasants in the 17th century. With an original size of 34 x 26 cm, this painting reveals a number of interesting aspects both in its artistic style and in its content.

As for the artistic style, The Younger Tenier was known for his ability to depict genre scenes with great detail and realism. This particular work is no exception, as it shows peasants in a moment of rest and fun, playing dice outside an inn. The artist uses a precise and meticulous technique to portray the faces and gestures of the characters, which gives them great expressiveness and life.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. The Younger Tenier uses a triangular composition to guide the viewer's gaze through the scene. In the center of the painting, there is a group of peasants playing dice, surrounded by other characters who observe or participate in the activity. This arrangement creates a sense of movement and dynamism in the scene, accentuated by the position of the characters and the gestures they perform.

As for color, El Tenier Más Joven uses a warm and earthy palette, with brown and ocher tones predominating. This contributes to creating an intimate and welcoming atmosphere, typical of rural life. In addition, the artist masterfully uses light and shadow to highlight certain elements of the composition and create a sense of depth.

The history of the painting is also worth mentioning. "Peasants Playing Dice outside an Inn" was created in the 17th century, during the period known as the Golden Age of Flemish painting. At this time, Flemish artists were engaged in depicting scenes from everyday life, and genre painting became a popular genre. This particular work reflects the fascination of the time with rural life and the activities of common people.

Finally, there are little-known aspects of this painting that deserve to be highlighted. Although it is apparently a simple and unpretentious scene, El Tenier Más Joven uses this work to convey a series of messages and reflections on the human condition. Through the gestures and expressions of the characters, the artist invites us to reflect on luck, gambling and the fragility of life.

In summary, "Peasants Playing Dice outside an Inn" is a captivating painting noted for its realistic artistic style, dynamic composition, warm color palette, and depiction of rural life in the 17th century. Through this work, The Younger Tenier invites us to delve into the life of peasants and reflect on the human condition.

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