virginia's death

size(cm): 50x75
Sale price€199,95 EUR


The painting The Death of Virginia, by the artist Francesco De Mura, is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art. The composition of the painting is impressive, with a dramatic scene taking place at the center of the work. The coloring is vibrant and contrasting, with dark tones mixing with brighter, warmer tones.

The story behind the painting is tragic and moving. The play depicts the moment when Virginia's father, an ancient Roman soldier, kills her to prevent her from being raped by a corrupt judge. The painting shows Virginia at the moment of her death, with her father holding a knife in his hand.

One of the most interesting aspects of the painting is De Mura's artistic style. The artist is known for his ability to create dramatic and emotional compositions, and this is reflected in his work. De Mura's technique is impressive, with great attention to detail and an ability to create realistic textures and shadows.

Another little-known aspect of the painting is its original size. The work measures 91 x 144 cm, making it a medium-sized piece for a painting from this period. Despite its size, the painting has an emotional and visual impact that makes it stand out among the works of art of the time.

In conclusion, The Death of Virginia is a stunning work of art that combines dramatic composition with impressive technique and a moving story. The painting is a perfect example of the Italian Baroque artistic style and remains a work of art to behold.

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