Two Soldiers and a Woman Serving with a Trumpeter

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€135,95 EUR


Pieter De Hooch's painting "Two Soldiers and a Serving Woman with a Trumpeter" is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting an everyday scene of military life in Holland at the time. The composition of the work is exceptional, with a careful arrangement of the characters and objects in space. The coloring of the painting is vibrant and harmonious, with a palette that combines warm and cold tones.

One of the most interesting aspects of the painting is De Hooch's artistic style, which is characterized by his ability to capture light and shadow with great detail and realism. The technique he uses to achieve this effect is called "chiaroscuro", and is one of the distinctive features of Dutch Baroque art.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed to have been painted around 1657, during a period when De Hooch was working in Delft. The work shows two Dutch soldiers who have returned from the war and are enjoying a drink together with a maid and a trumpet player. The scene is a representation of daily life in the Netherlands in the 17th century, and reflects the influence of military culture on the society of the time.

Although the painting is known for its exceptional composition and technique, there is a lesser-known aspect that makes it even more interesting. It has been discovered that the work was retouched at some point after its original creation. It is believed that the artist made some changes to the painting to improve its appearance, suggesting that De Hooch was a perfectionist who strove to create works of the highest quality.

In short, "Two Soldiers and a Serving Woman with a Trumpeter" is an exceptional work of art that combines masterful technique with carefully crafted composition and vibrant coloring. The history of painting and its evolution over time make it even more interesting and valuable for lovers of art and history.

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