The Liberation of Saint Peter

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€135,95 EUR


"The Deliverance of St Peter" is a fascinating painting by the Dutch artist Hendrick Terbrugghen, noted for its unique artistic style and dramatic composition. Originally 105 x 87 cm in size, this masterpiece captivates viewers with its masterful portrayal of a pivotal moment in biblical history.

Terbrugghen's artistic style is within the Caravaggista movement, which is characterized by the use of the chiaroscuro technique and the realistic representation of subjects. In "The Deliverance of St Peter", Terbrugghen skilfully uses light and shadow to create an intense and dramatic atmosphere. The figure of St. Peter stands out in the darkness, while the Roman guards and angels surrounding him are illuminated by a mysterious light.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. Terbrugghen manages to capture a moment of tension and action in a limited space. Saint Peter, held by two Roman guards, stands in the center of the scene, while an angel bursts into the painting from above to free him. The diagonal created by the angel and the rope it supports, together with the diagonal lines of the guards' arms, bring dynamism and movement to the composition.

As for color, Terbrugghen uses a sober and earthy palette, with dark tones and deep shadows. The predominant colors are browns, grays and blacks, which help to create a gloomy and tense atmosphere. However, the artist also uses touches of more vivid and brilliant colors in the details, such as the intense red of Saint Peter's tunic and the luminous white of the angels.

The history of the painting is based on the Biblical account of the release of Saint Peter from prison by an angel. According to tradition, Saint Peter was arrested for preaching Christianity and imprisoned by King Herod. However, during the night, an angel appeared to him and freed him, allowing him to escape from prison. Terbrugghen captures this exciting and suspenseful moment in his work, conveying the faith and hope that accompany the story.

Although "The Deliverance of St Peter" is not as well known as other paintings from the Baroque period, it is a masterpiece that deserves to be appreciated. Its Caravaggist style, its dynamic composition, its masterful use of color and its representation of a fascinating biblical story make it a unique piece in the history of art.

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