The Crucifixion with the Virgin and Saint John

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price€119,95 EUR


"The Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John" is a fascinating painting by the Dutch artist Hendrick Terbrugghen. This 17th century masterpiece stands out for several interesting aspects that make it unique in its artistic style, composition, color and its history.

In terms of artistic style, Terbrugghen was one of the leading exponents of the Utrecht School, a group of Dutch painters who drew inspiration from Italian Caravaggist realism. This influence can be clearly seen in "The Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John", where Terbrugghen uses the chiaroscuro technique to highlight the central figure of Christ on the cross. The use of dramatic light and shadow creates a sense of depth and realism in the painting.

The composition of the work is another interesting aspect. Terbrugghen chooses to depict the crucifixion from an unusual angle, showing the Virgin Mary and Saint John in the foreground, looking up at Christ on the cross. This arrangement creates a sense of intimacy and emotional connection between the characters and the viewer. In addition, Terbrugghen uses diagonal lines that converge towards the center of the painting, emphasizing the figure of Christ and creating a sense of movement and dynamism.

Regarding color, Terbrugghen uses a sober and dark palette, dominated by earthy and gray tones. However, the artist manages to create striking contrasts by highlighting the figure of Christ with a bright light that illuminates his body and face. This use of color adds depth and drama to the painting, highlighting the importance of the crucifixion as a central event in the history of Christianity.

The story of "The Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John" is also intriguing. The painting is believed to have been commissioned by St. Peter's Church in Utrecht, where it originally stood. However, during the Protestant Reformation, the work was confiscated and sold to a private collector. It was later acquired by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, where it is currently on display.

Finally, a little known aspect of this painting is the representation of Saint John. Terbrugghen portrays him as a handsome young man, in contrast to traditional depictions that show him as an old man. This artistic choice can be interpreted as a way of highlighting the youth and vitality of the beloved disciple of Jesus.

In short, Hendrick Terbrugghen's "The Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John" is an exceptional painting that combines Caravaggist realism with Dutch sensibility. Its artistic style, composition, use of color, and history make this work a unique and captivating piece of art history.

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