Saint Peter

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€124,95 EUR


The painting St Peter by artist Lorenzo Monaco is a 15th-century masterpiece depicting the figure of the Apostle Peter, one of Jesus' closest disciples. This work is a prominent example of the International Gothic style that developed in Florence during the Renaissance era.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, since the artist has placed Saint Peter in the center of the image, surrounded by other characters. At the top of the painting, you can see God the Father and Jesus, who are watching the scene from heaven. At the bottom are the faithful who are being blessed by Saint Peter.

Color is another prominent aspect of the work, as Monaco used a rich and varied palette to create an atmosphere of spirituality and devotion. Gold and blue tones predominate in the painting, creating an effect of light and shadow that gives depth and realism to the scene.

The history of the painting is also very interesting, since it is known that it was created for the chapel of San Giovanni in the church of Santa Maria Novella in Florence. Lorenzo Monaco was one of the most important artists of his time, and his work was highly valued by patrons and art collectors of the time.

Little-known aspects of the painting include details such as the depiction of saints and angels at the top of the painting, who are dressed in period clothing rather than the traditional robes of Christian iconography. You can also appreciate the use of the gilding technique in the painting, which gives it a special shine and a luminous effect.

In summary, the painting St Peter by Lorenzo Monaco is an exceptional work of art that combines technique, composition and symbolism to create an image of great beauty and spiritual depth. Its International Gothic style and its rich color palette make this work one of the most outstanding of the Italian Renaissance.

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