Saint Wolfgang Altarpiece: The Raising of Lazarus

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€126,95 EUR


The painting St Wolfgang Altarpiece: Resurrection of Lazarus by artist Michael Pacher is a late Renaissance masterpiece noted for its impressive artistic style, detailed composition, and masterful use of color. This painting is part of the famous altar in the church of St. Wolfgang in Austria and measures 175 x 130 cm.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as Pacher uses a perspective technique that creates a sense of depth and movement in the scene. The figure of Christ dominates the center of the painting, surrounded by the apostles and other biblical characters. The figure of Lazarus, who has just been resurrected, is in the lower right corner of the painting, surrounded by a group of people who are watching him in astonishment.

The use of color in the painting is exceptional, with rich, vibrant tones creating a sense of life and movement in the scene. The golden and silver tones used in the clothing of the characters and in the background of the painting add a touch of elegance and majesty to the work.

The history of the painting is also very interesting, as it was commissioned by the Bishop of Salzburg, Matthäus Lang, in the 15th century. The work was originally designed to be part of an altar in St. Wolfgang's Church, and is still in its original location.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Michael Pacher was also a sculptor, and it is believed that the figure of Lazarus in the painting was modeled in clay by Pacher himself before being painted.

In short, Michael Pacher's St Wolfgang Altarpiece: Resurrection of Lazarus is a late Renaissance masterpiece noted for its artistic style, detailed composition, and masterful use of color. Its history and little-known aspects of the work add even more interest to this impressive painting.

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