Portrait of Franz Liszt

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€134,95 EUR


The painting Portrait of Franz Liszt by Miklós Barabás is a masterpiece of 19th century Hungarian art. This work represents the famous Hungarian composer and pianist Franz Liszt, who was a cultural icon of his time. The work is characterized by its realistic style, which can be seen in the precision of the details of the sitter's face and in the careful representation of his clothing.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since Barabas chose to represent Liszt half-length, which allows the viewer to appreciate the elegance and sophistication of his outfit. In addition, the artist used a very rich and vibrant color palette, in which red and gold tones stand out, giving the portrait an air of majesty.

The story behind this painting is also fascinating. It was commissioned by the Hungarian government in 1856 to be exhibited at the Universal Exhibition in Paris in 1857, where it received a great reception from the public and critics. This work became a symbol of Hungarian culture and was used as an image on banknotes and postage stamps.

A little-known aspect of this painting is that Barabas had to work very meticulously to capture Liszt's personality in the work. To do this, it is said that the artist spent several hours talking with the composer to find out his tastes and his way of being, which allowed him to capture his essence in painting.

In short, Portrait of Franz Liszt is a work of art that stands out for its realistic style, its composition, and its rich color palette. In addition, its history and the little-known details about its creation make it a fascinating and highly valuable piece of Hungarian cultural heritage.

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