Altarpiece of the Seven Joys of the Virgin Mary

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€135,95 EUR


The painting Altarpiece of the Seven Joys of the Virgin Mary by artist Pere Nicolau is an exceptional work of art noted for its artistic style and unique composition. This painting is a masterpiece of the Renaissance and represents the religious devotion of the time.

The composition of this painting is very interesting, as it is divided into three levels. On the upper level, there is the Virgin Mary surrounded by angels and saints. In the middle level, the seven joys of Mary are represented, while in the lower level, the donors and their families are found.

The color used in this painting is very rich and vibrant, giving it a feeling of life and movement. Gold and blue tones are especially notable, used to highlight the importance of the Virgin Mary and her role in religion.

The history of this painting is fascinating, as it was created in the 15th century by the artist Pere Nicolau for the church of Santa María del Mar in Barcelona. During the Spanish Civil War, the painting was damaged and then restored in 1952.

Also, there are little-known aspects about this painting that make it even more interesting. For example, it is believed that the face of the Virgin Mary was modeled after the artist's wife. It is also said that the figure of Saint Peter was modeled after the artist himself.

In summary, the painting Altarpiece of the Seven Joys of the Virgin Mary by Pere Nicolau is an exceptional work of art that stands out for its artistic style, its unique composition, its rich color palette and its fascinating history. It is a display of the talent and religious devotion of the Renaissance era.

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