Portrait of Guilford Killigrew, As a Child

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price€119,95 EUR


The painting Portrait of Guilford Killigrew, When a Boy by John Closterman is a work of art that captivates by its artistic style, its composition and its coloring. The work, which measures 151 x 91 cm, shows a young Guilford Killigrew in an elegant and distinguished pose, dressed in clothing that denotes his high social position.

The artistic style of the work is baroque, characterized by the exaggeration of details and the use of strong contrasts between light and shadow. The figure of the young Killigrew is rendered with great precision and realism, demonstrating the artist's technical skill.

The composition of the work is balanced and harmonious, with the young Killigrew at the center of the painting and surrounded by elements that reinforce his social status, such as the background with a velvet curtain and the presence of a hunting dog at his feet.

The coloring of the work is rich and vibrant, with a palette that blends warm and cool tones to create a sense of depth and texture. The contrast between the intense red of the young man's clothing and the dark green of the background creates a striking visual effect.

The history of the painting is interesting, as Guilford Killigrew was an important historical figure in 18th century England, associated with the royal family and with a distinguished military career. The work was commissioned by the Killigrew family to commemorate the youth and beauty of young Guilford.

Little-known aspects of the work include the presence of hidden symbols in the painting, such as the presence of the hunting dog that symbolizes nobility and loyalty, and the presence of a fleur-de-lys on the young man's clothing, which represents the connection between the Killigrew family with French royalty.

In short, Portrait of Guilford Killigrew, When a Boy is a fascinating work of art that combines technical skill, artistic style, composition, and coloration to create a powerful image filled with historical and symbolic significance.

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