Portrait of an Aristocratic Couple as Vegetable Sellers

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€143,95 EUR


Portrait of an Aristocratic Couple as Vegetable Sellers is a masterpiece by the Flemish artist Jan Baptist II Saive. This oil painting depicts an aristocratic couple selling vegetables at a market. The work is full of details and elements that make the painting interesting and unique.

As for the artistic style, Saive uses a realistic and detailed painting technique. The couple's clothing and hats are painted with great detail and texture, making them look like the real thing. The composition of the painting is also very interesting, since the couple is located in the center of the work and surrounded by vegetables and fruits. This creates an effect of depth and makes the painting more dynamic.

Color is another interesting aspect of this painting. Saive uses a bright and vivid color palette to represent the vegetables and fruits that surround the couple. The shades of green, red, and yellow create a nice contrast to the darker tones of the couple's clothing.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. It is believed that the work was commissioned by an aristocratic family of the time to show their wealth and social status. The painting can also be seen as socially critical, as it shows a noble couple selling vegetables, something that was normally considered a job for lower-class people.

Finally, a little known aspect of this painting is that Saive included his own signature on the work. This is unusual for the time, as many artists did not sign their works. Saive's signature is located at the lower left of the painting and is written in cursive.

In short, Portrait of an Aristocratic Couple as Vegetable Sellers is a fascinating work of art that combines realistic painting technique with interesting composition and vibrant use of color. The story behind the painting and the artist's signature also make the work unique and valuable.

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