Josiah - Jechoniah Shealtiel

size(cm): 45x90
Sale price€213,95 EUR


The painting Josiah - Jechoniah - Shealtiel by the artist Michelangelo Buonarroti is a masterpiece depicting three important biblical figures: Josiah, Jeconias and Shealtiel. This work was created in the 16th century and has an original size of 215 x 430 cm.

Michelangelo's artistic style is unmistakable in this work. The technique used is fresco painting, which is a technique that consists of painting on a wet plaster surface. This technique allows the paint to integrate with the wall and last for many years. Michelangelo's style is characterized by his muscular and detailed figures, reflecting his training as a sculptor.

The composition of the painting is very interesting. Michelangelo places the three figures in a confined space, creating a sense of tension and drama. The figures are arranged in different planes, which gives depth to the painting. In addition, the details of the figures' clothing and jewelry are impressive.

The colors used in the painting are mainly dark and earthy tones. Michelangelo uses the chiaroscuro technique, which consists of creating contrasts between light and shadow to give depth and realism to the figures.

The history of the painting is interesting. It was created for the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican, which is one of the holiest places in Christianity. Michelangelo was hired by Pope Julius II to decorate the chapel with frescoes. The painting Josiah - Jechoniah - Shealtiel was created as part of this decoration.

Lastly, a little known aspect of this painting is that Michelangelo created it when he was over 60 years old. Despite his age, Michelangelo continued to work with the same passion and skill as in his youth. This painting is a display of his artistic genius and his dedication to his art.

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