Establishment of the Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome

size(cm): 70x35
Sale price€167,95 EUR


The painting "Establishment of the Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome" by the German artist Matthias Grünewald is a masterpiece that combines elements of the Renaissance and late Gothic. With an original size of 179 x 91 cm, this oil painting on panel depicts the consecration ceremony of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome, which took place in the fourth century.

Grünewald's artistic style is characterized by its emotional intensity and attention to detail. In this work, you can appreciate the details of Roman architecture, as well as the gestures and expressions of the characters who participate in the ceremony. In addition, the artist uses a chiaroscuro technique that accentuates the depth and drama of the scene.

The composition of the painting is very balanced, with a symmetrical arrangement of the characters and a perspective that directs the viewer's gaze towards the center of the scene, where the altar and the image of the Virgin Mary are located. The image of the Virgin is especially noteworthy, as it is painted with great detail and realism, reflecting the artist's devotion to the figure of the Virgin.

When it comes to color, Grünewald uses a palette of warm, earthy tones that create a feeling of intimacy and solemnity. The golden details in the clothing of the characters and in the liturgical objects add a touch of richness and splendor to the scene.

The history of the painting is interesting, as little is known about its origin and its fate. It is believed to have been commissioned by an Italian patron to decorate a chapel in Rome, but was later acquired by a German collector and transferred to Germany, where it is now in the collection of the Darmstadt Art Museum.

In short, "Establishment of the Santa Maria Maggiore in Rome" is an exceptional work of art that combines technique, composition, and color to create a powerful and moving image of an important religious ceremony. The artist's attention to detail and devotion to the Virgin Mary are evident in every brushstroke, making this painting a Renaissance and Late Gothic masterpiece.

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