Esau Selling His Birthright

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price€167,95 EUR


The painting "Esau Selling His Birthright" by artist Hendrick Terbrugghen is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, and the history it depicts. With an original size of 107 x 139 cm, this painting captures the viewer's attention with its drama and realism.

Terbrugghen's artistic style is framed within Caravaggism, a movement characterized by the use of strong contrasts of light and shadow, as well as the representation of realistic and detailed figures. This particular work shows the influence of Caravaggio in its use of chiaroscuro, where light is focused on the characters' faces and hands, creating a dramatic and realistic lighting effect.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. Terbrugghen uses a triangular composition to arrange the figures on the canvas. In the center of the work is Esau, the protagonist, kneeling and holding a plate of lentils, while to his right is Jacob, his twin brother. The figure of Jacob stands out for his serene expression and his gesture of offering the lentils to Esau, while the latter shows an expression of despair and regret.

The use of color in the painting is another interesting element. Terbrugghen uses a dark and earthy color palette, with brown and gray tones predominating. This contributes to a somber and melancholic atmosphere, reinforcing the theme of loss and regret that is depicted in the Biblical story of Esau selling his birthright.

The story of the painting is based on a biblical passage from Genesis, where Esau, Isaac's eldest son, sells his birthright to his brother Jacob for a bowl of lentils. This act has important consequences in the biblical story, as Jacob becomes the heir to the blessings and promises that God had made to Abraham.

In addition to these known aspects, there are some lesser-known details that are worth mentioning. For example, Terbrugghen portrays Esau with peculiar physical features, such as a scruffy beard and an anguished facial expression, which reinforces his state of despair. Furthermore, the choice to depict the characters in a dark and austere setting also accentuates the theme of loss and remorse.

In conclusion, Hendrick Terbrugghen's painting "Esau Selling His Birthright" is a fascinating work that stands out for its Caravaggist style of art, its triangular composition, use of color, and depiction of a significant Biblical story. Through his realism and drama, Terbrugghen manages to convey the emotions and consequences of an impulsive and transcendental act.

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