Darmstadt Altarpiece: Constantine and his Mother Helen Venerating the True Cross

size(cm): 65x35
Sale price€159,95 EUR


The Darmstadt Altarpiece: Constantine and His Mother Helena Venerating the True Cross, painted by an Unknown German Master, is a work of art that captivates with its artistic style, composition and vibrant colouring. With an original size of 207 x 109 cm, this painting is a jewel of medieval art that tells a fascinating story.

Regarding the artistic style, the Darmstadt Altarpiece belongs to the late Gothic, characterized by its elongated and stylized forms, as well as by the attention to detail in the representation of the characters and the elements of the scene. The artist manages to convey a feeling of solemnity and spirituality through his precise and delicate technique.

The composition of the painting is remarkably balanced and symmetrical. In the center is Constantine the Great, the Roman emperor who converted to Christianity and was responsible for the promotion and expansion of this religion. At his side is his mother, Santa Elena, who is revered as the discoverer of the Vera Cruz, the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Both characters are kneeling and offer a respectful bow to the true symbol of the Christian faith.

Color plays a crucial role in painting as it contributes to creating a sacred and mystical atmosphere. Gold and blue tones predominate in the work, providing a sense of divinity and majesty. The artist skilfully uses the gilding technique, applying gold leaf in certain areas to highlight the importance of the characters and sacred objects depicted.

The story behind this painting is also fascinating. The Darmstadt Altarpiece was created in the 15th century and was part of an altarpiece that adorned a church in Darmstadt, Germany. For centuries, this work of art was revered by the faithful and fulfilled its original purpose of inspiring devotion and faith in those who beheld it.

Despite its age and historical value, there are little-known aspects of the Darmstadt Altarpiece. The author of this masterpiece remains unknown, adding an aura of mystery and wonder to his creation. Furthermore, the painting has survived through the centuries, withstanding the test of time and retaining its beauty and meaning to this day.

In summary, the Darmstadt Altarpiece: Constantine and His Mother Helena Venerating the True Cross is a painting that stands out for its late Gothic artistic style, balanced composition, and masterful use of color. Its history and little-known aspects give it additional value, making it a work of art worthy of admiration and study.

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