Coronation Of The Virgin

size(cm): 75x90
Sale price€264,95 EUR


The painting Coronation of the Virgin, made by Enguerrand Charonton in the 15th century, is a masterpiece of Gothic art. This work is in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts in Dijon, France, and is considered one of the crown jewels of the collection.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the Virgin Mary in the center, surrounded by angels and saints. The figure of the Virgin is represented with great elegance and delicacy, with a serene and calm expression on her face. The angels that surround her are represented with great beauty and grace, with their wings outstretched and their bodies in motion.

The coloring of the painting is another of its most outstanding aspects. Charonton used a rich, vibrant color palette, with shades of gold, red and blue creating a sense of lightness and splendor. Gold and silver details add a touch of luxury and sophistication to the work.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It was commissioned by the family of the Counts of Foix for the chapel of their castle in the south of France. The work was transferred to Dijon in the 18th century and has been one of the most important pieces in the museum's collection ever since.

Also, there are little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more interesting. For example, Charonton is believed to have used his own image to represent one of the saints in the play. It has also been speculated that the figure of the angel holding the Virgin's crown was inspired by the artist's wife.

In short, the Coronation of the Virgin painting is an impressive work of art that combines masterful composition, vibrant coloring, and a fascinating story. It is a jewel of Gothic art that continues to captivate viewers centuries after its creation.

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