Constantijn Huygens and his Employee

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price€135,95 EUR


The painting Constantijn Huygens and his Clerk by artist Thomas De Keyser is a 17th-century masterpiece that features a wealth of interesting detail. The artistic style used in the work is Dutch Baroque, characterized by its realism and attention to detail. The composition of the painting is impressive, with the main characters in the center of the image and a large number of objects and details in the background.

The color used in the painting is vibrant and rich, giving it a sense of life and movement. The artist has used a palette of warm and bright colors that perfectly complement the natural light that floods the scene.

The story behind the painting is also very interesting. Constantijn Huygens was a prominent 17th-century Dutch poet and writer, and his secretary, Christiaan Huygens, was a famous scientist and mathematician. The painting was commissioned by Huygens as a portrait of him and his secretary, and is believed to have been painted in 1627.

There are some little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more intriguing. For example, there is a small drawing in the background of the image showing a man with a pen in his hand, believed to be Thomas De Keyser himself. In addition, there are several objects in the image that have symbolic meanings, such as the armillary sphere on the table, which represents the universe and wisdom.

In conclusion, the painting Constantijn Huygens and his Clerk by Thomas De Keyser is an impressive work of art that combines a realistic artistic style with vibrant composition and interesting detail. The rich color palette and the story behind the painting make it even more fascinating for art and history lovers.

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