Altarpiece with The Passion of Christ: The Crucifixion

size(cm): 50x45
Sale price€151,95 EUR


The Altarpiece with the Passion of Christ: Crucifixion, painted by the German Unknown Master, is a work of art that captures the viewer's attention through its unique art style and carefully crafted composition. With an original size of 117 x 107 cm, this painting is a powerful representation of the crucifixion of Christ and contains a number of interesting aspects that are worth exploring.

In terms of artistic style, this work falls within the late Gothic style, characterized by its meticulous attention to detail and its focus on religious spirituality. The German Unknown Master uses a precise and painstaking painting technique to create a realistic, three-dimensional image. Each figure and object in the painting is carefully outlined, giving it a sense of depth and volume.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. The German Unknown Master uses a symmetrical approach in the arrangement of figures and landscape elements. In the center of the work is the figure of the crucified Christ, surrounded by Mary and Saint John on both sides. The other characters and elements are evenly distributed around the main scene, creating a sense of harmony and order.

The use of color in this painting is also remarkable. The German Unknown Master uses a sober and dark color palette, dominated by earthy tones and grays. This contributes to the gloomy and sad atmosphere of the crucifixion scene, conveying a sense of pain and suffering. However, some brighter touches of color can also be seen in certain details, such as the robes of some characters, which contrast with the dark background and add an element of visual interest.

Regarding the history of the painting, unfortunately the identity of the German Unknown Master is unknown, which has generated speculation and debate among art experts. Despite this, his skill and talent are undeniable, and this particular work has been widely praised for its artistic quality and its ability to convey the emotionality of Christ's crucifixion.

In summary, the Altarpiece with the Passion of Christ: Crucifixion by the Unknown German Master is a painting that stands out for its late Gothic artistic style, its symmetrical composition, and its use of color to convey emotions. Its original size of 117 x 107 cm allows us to appreciate in detail the artist's mastery and the intensity of the scene represented. Although the history of the painting remains a mystery, its visual impact endures and continues to captivate those who see it.

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