Altarpiece of the Patron Saints of La Colonia

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€127,95 EUR


The painting Altarpiece of the Patron Saints of Cologne, by the artist Stefan Locherner, is a work of great beauty and complexity that has been the object of study and admiration throughout the centuries. This large work (260 x 185 cm) and composed of various scenes and figures, is an outstanding example of the late Gothic style that prevailed in Europe during the 15th century.

The composition of the painting is very detailed and careful, with a large number of figures and elements that intertwine and complement each other. In the center of the work is the figure of the Virgin Mary, surrounded by the patron saints of the city of Colonia: Saint Gereon, Saint Pantaleon, Saint Severino and Saint Ursula. These saints, represented with great realism and detail, are arranged in different scenes that illustrate their lives and miracles.

Color is another prominent aspect of Locherner's work. The bright, saturated tones of the saints' vestments contrast against the gold background and the darker tones of the architectural and landscape details. The technique used by the artist, which combines the use of oil paint and gold leaf gilding, provides a shine and luminosity that enhances the beauty of the work.

The history of the painting is also an interesting aspect. It was commissioned by the Cologne goldsmiths' guild for its chapel in the city's cathedral, and it is known to have been completed in 1445. For centuries, the work was the object of admiration and veneration, until in the 19th century it was dismantled and sold by parts. Currently, some of the original pieces are in different museums and private collections around the world.

In short, the painting Altarpiece of the Patron Saints of Cologne is a work of great artistic and historical value, which stands out for its complexity, beauty and technique. A leading example of late Gothic art, which continues to fascinate and excite art lovers around the world.

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