The Virgin Between Saint John the Baptist and Saint Sebastian

size(cm): 45x45
Sale price616,00 zł PLN


The painting "The Madonna between St John the Baptist and St Sebastian" by Italian artist Pietro Perugino is a Renaissance masterpiece. This oil painting on panel, original size 178 x 164 cm, was created in the year 1493 and is currently in the National Gallery of Art in Washington DC

Perugino's artistic style is characterized by his technical perfection and his love of idealized beauty. In this work, we can appreciate the delicacy and elegance of the figures, as well as the softness of the colors and shapes. The composition of the painting is symmetrical and balanced, with the figure of the Virgin Mary in the center surrounded by Saints John the Baptist and Sebastian.

Color is another interesting aspect of this painting. Perugino used a soft and harmonious palette, with pastel and gold tones that create a heavenly and serene atmosphere. The details and textures are impressive, from the fabrics the characters wear to the objects that adorn the background of the painting.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It was commissioned by the Florentine Pucci family for their chapel in the church of San Sebastiano, in Florence. After passing through several hands, the painting was acquired by the National Gallery of Art in 1943.

A little known aspect of this work is that Perugino used real models for the figures of the saints. The model for Saint John the Baptist is believed to have been the artist himself, while the model for Saint Sebastian was a young man named Francesco di Giovanni Botticini.

In short, "The Madonna between St John the Baptist and St Sebastian" is an impressive work of art that combines technical perfection with the idealized beauty of the Italian Renaissance. Its symmetrical composition, its smooth and harmonious palette, and its fascinating history make it one of the most outstanding paintings of the period.

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