The Martyrdom of Saint Processus and Saint Martinian

size(cm): 70x40
Sale price753,00 zł PLN


The painting "Martyrdom of Saint Process and Saint Martinian" by the artist Valentin De Boulogne is a masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 308 x 165 cm, this work captivates the viewer with its drama and realism.

In terms of artistic style, Valentin De Boulogne was a master of Caravaggism, a movement characterized by the use of light and shadow to create dramatic and realistic effects. This influence is evident in "Martirio de San Proceso y San Martiniano", where the bodies of the martyrs and executioners are illuminated by an intense light source, creating remarkable contrasts between darkness and light.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. Valentin De Boulogne uses a triangular composition to guide the viewer's gaze towards the center of the scene, where the martyrdom of the saints is located. The bodies of the martyrs are depicted in close-up, giving them a powerful and realistic presence. In addition, the minute details of the characters' clothing, facial expressions, and gestures reinforce the intensity of the scene.

Regarding color, Valentin De Boulogne uses a palette of dark and earthy tones, which accentuate the drama of the scene. The contrast between light and shadow, as well as the use of warm and cold colours, contribute to creating a tense and emotional atmosphere.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. "Martyrdom of San Proceso and San Martiniano" represents the moment in which the two Christian saints are tortured and executed for their faith. This story is based on Christian legend, which tells how the saints were subjected to various tortures before being beheaded. Valentin De Boulogne manages to capture the intensity and suffering of the martyrs through his realistic and detailed depiction.

Despite Valentin De Boulogne's fame as one of the main exponents of Caravaggism, his work is not as well known as that of other artists of his time. "Martyrdom of San Proceso and San Martiniano" is one of the few paintings of his that are currently preserved, which makes it a little-known artistic jewel but of great historical and aesthetic value.

In summary, Valentin De Boulogne's "Martyrdom of Saint Process and Saint Martinian" is an impressive painting that stands out for its Caravaggist artistic style, its triangular composition, its use of color, and its realistic depiction of the martyrdom of saints. This work, with an original size of 308 x 165 cm, is a sample of the talent and mastery of a little-known but highly influential artist in the history of art.

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