Virgin and Child

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price609,00 zł PLN


Vittore Crivelli's Madonna and Child painting is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece that has captivated art lovers for centuries. The work, which measures 68 x 52 cm, presents an impressive composition in which the Virgin Mary holds the baby Jesus on her lap while two angels observe the scene from behind.

Crivelli's artistic style is evident in every detail of the painting, from the elaborate clothing of the Virgin to the detailed texture of the angels' wings. The artist uses a painting technique known as "tempera on panel", in which pigment is mixed with egg yolk to create a durable and vibrant painting.

The coloring of the painting is another aspect that makes it unique. Crivelli uses a rich and vibrant palette of red, green, and gold tones that give the work a warm, light feel. In addition, the ornamental details on the clothing of the Virgin and the angels add a touch of luxury and opulence to the work.

The history of the painting is also fascinating. It is believed to have been created in the 15th century in the Italian city of Venice, and has passed through various hands and private collections over the centuries. In 2010, the work was auctioned by Christie's in London for more than a million dollars.

Despite its beauty and value, there are little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more interesting. For example, Crivelli is known to have been a highly religious artist, and it is believed that his faith influenced the composition and symbolism of the work. Furthermore, some experts believe that the angels behind the Virgin may represent the patron saints of the city of Venice.

In short, Vittore Crivelli's Madonna and Child painting is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece that continues to captivate art lovers to this day. Its distinctive artistic style, impressive composition, and rich color palette make it a unique and valuable work in the history of art.

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