Portrait of Don Juan Francisco Ximénez del Río, Archbishop of Valencia

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price1.777,00 NOK


The Portrait of Don Juan Francisco Ximénez del Rio, Archbishop of Valencia is a masterpiece by Spanish artist Vicente López Y Portaña. The painting, measuring 123 x 89 cm, shows the archbishop seated in a chair with a serene and dignified expression.

López Y Portaña's art style is realistic and detailed, and can be seen in the texture of the archbishop's clothing and skin. In addition, the composition of the work is very interesting, since the archbishop is placed at a diagonal angle, which creates a feeling of movement and depth.

The color of the paint is sober and elegant, with brown and gray tones that give a feeling of seriousness and solemnity. The artist uses light to emphasize the archbishop's figure and create a chiaroscuro effect that gives it depth and dimension.

The story behind the painting is fascinating, as Archbishop Ximénez del Rio was an important figure in 19th century Spain. He was a defender of education and culture, and founded the Biblioteca Valenciana, one of the most important libraries in Spain.

Also, there are little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more interesting. For example, it is believed that the archbishop is holding in his hand a book containing a letter written by López Y Portaña himself, which demonstrates the closeness between the artist and the archbishop.

In conclusion, the Portrait of Don Juan Francisco Ximénez del Rio, Archbishop of Valencia is an impressive work of art that combines the realistic technique of López Y Portaña with the history and personality of Archbishop Ximénez del Rio. The painting is an example of the artist's ability to create a work that is both a portrait and a work of art in itself.

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