The Virgin with the Christ Child and the Baby Saint John

size(cm): 50x50
Sale price₩257,000 KRW


"Virgin with the Christ Child and the Infant St John" is a painting of unknown authorship, of Italian origin, that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 66 cm, this work presents a series of interesting aspects that make it unique in its kind.

In terms of artistic style, this painting belongs to the Italian Renaissance, a time characterized by the rediscovery of classical antiquity and the exaltation of beauty and perfection. The unknown Italian master shows a remarkable technical mastery, accurately capturing the anatomical details and the expressions of the characters.

The composition of the work is balanced and harmonious. At the center of the painting is the Virgin Mary holding the infant Jesus on her lap, while the young Saint John the Baptist approaches them. The arrangement of the characters creates a triangular shape, a technique commonly used in the Renaissance to achieve an effect of stability and visual order.

The use of color in this painting is remarkable. The color palette is soft and delicate, with warm tones and subtle nuances. The colors used reflect the serenity and purity of the characters represented, accentuating their divinity and their spiritual connection.

As for the history of the painting, its origin and exact authorship are unknown, which has led to its being attributed to an "unknown Italian master". Despite this, the work has been the object of study and admiration over the years, due to its artistic quality and its ability to convey deep religious devotion.

In addition to its aesthetic beauty, there are little-known aspects of this painting. Some experts suggest that the figure of the baby Jesus could be inspired by classical sculpture, since its posture and anatomy are reminiscent of representations of the Greek gods. This fusion between classical art and Christianity is a recurring element in the Italian Renaissance.

In summary, "Virgin with the Christ Child and the Infant St John" is a painting of unknown authorship that stands out for its Renaissance artistic style, its balanced composition, its use of color and its deep religious meaning. Despite its mystery and original size of 66cm, this work has managed to captivate viewers over the years, leaving a lasting mark on art history.

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