The Virgin of Humility

size(cm): 50x25
Sale price₩192,000 KRW


Sassetta's Madonna of Humility painting is a work of art that has captivated art lovers for its beauty and elegance. This 15th century masterpiece depicts the Virgin Mary seated on a humble throne with the Christ Child on her lap.

Sassetta's artistic style is late Gothic, and this work perfectly reflects the delicacy and elegance of this style. The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the Virgin Mary is seated on a humble throne, reflecting her humility and devotion to God.

The use of color in this painting is impressive. Sassetta used a soft and delicate color palette, which accentuates the delicacy and elegance of the work. Also, the details on the clothes of the Virgin and the Child Jesus are very meticulous, which demonstrates the skill and talent of the artist.

The history of the painting is fascinating, as it was created in the 15th century for the church of San Francesco in Siena, Italy. The work has survived over the centuries and has been the subject of numerous restorations and studies.

A little known aspect about this work is that Sassetta used gold leaf in the painting to highlight the importance of the Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus. The gold leaf also accentuates the luminosity of the work and makes it appear more divine.

In summary, Sassetta's Madonna of Humility is a late Gothic masterpiece that reflects the delicacy and elegance of this artistic style. The composition, color and history of the painting are fascinating and demonstrate the skill and talent of the artist.

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