The Virgin Enthroned with Saints

size(cm): 50x25
Sale price₩193,000 KRW


The painting "Madonna Enthroned with Saints" by the Unknown Italian Master is a fascinating work that captivates viewers with its unique artistic style and meticulous composition. With an original size of 93 x 50 cm, this painting is a hidden gem in the history of Italian art.

The artistic style of this work is characterized by detailed realism and meticulous attention to detail. Each character is painted with impressive precision, demonstrating the artist's technical mastery. The folds of the clothes, the details of the faces and the textures of the objects are represented with a meticulousness that reveals the skill of the Unknown Italian Master.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect to highlight. The Virgin Mary, surrounded by saints and angels, is seated on a majestic throne. The arrangement of the characters creates a sense of balance and harmony in the work. The saints and angels are arranged in different planes, adding depth to the painting and creating a sense of perspective.

The use of color in this painting is remarkable. Soft, warm tones dominate the color palette, creating a serene, heavenly atmosphere. Gold and blue colors are used to highlight the importance of divine characters, while earthy tones are used to represent the earthly environment. The contrast between the colors also helps to highlight the figure of the Virgin Mary and the saints.

The history of this painting is enigmatic, since the author is unknown. However, despite its anonymity, the artistic quality of the work is undeniable. The painting may have been created during the Italian Renaissance, a time of great artistic splendor in which many anonymous artists produced masterpieces.

Little-known aspects of this painting may include hidden compositional details, religious symbols, or historical references. By carefully examining the work, it is possible to discover elements that reveal more about the artist's intent or its historical context.

In short, the painting "Madonna Enthroned with Saints" by the Unknown Italian Master is an impressive work of art that stands out for its artistic style, carefully crafted composition, use of color, and mysterious history. Despite its relatively small size, this painting contains a beauty and an artistic mastery that deserves to be appreciated and studied.

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