The Virgin and her Child with a Garden of Gold

size(cm): 45x30
Sale price₩193,000 KRW


The painting "Madonna and Child with a Goldfinch" is a work of art by the Unknown Italian Master that has captivated art lovers for centuries. Originally 77 x 51 cm in size, this masterpiece features a composition and artistic style that distinguishes it from other paintings of the period.

Regarding the artistic style, the painting clearly shows the influence of the Italian Renaissance. The Unknown Italian Master uses a detailed and realistic painting technique to depict the Virgin Mary holding the Christ Child on her lap. The smoothness of the forms and the precision in the facial details reflect the artist's ability to capture the beauty and tenderness in this sacred scene.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. The Virgin Mary and the Child Jesus are located in the center of the work, surrounded by a natural landscape that includes trees and flowers. Beside him, a small golden bird, known as a goldfinch, perches on Jesus' outstretched hand. This detail adds a touch of realism and symbolism to the painting, since the goldfinch was considered a symbol of the Passion of Christ in the Christian tradition.

Regarding color, the Italian Unknown Master uses soft and warm tones to create a serene and calm atmosphere. Gold and blue tones predominate in the painting, bringing a sense of divinity and spirituality. The vibrant colors of the flowers and the landscape contrast with the softness of the central figures, creating a visual balance and adding depth to the work.

The history of this painting is fascinating, as the identity of the artist who created it is unknown. Although it is attributed to the Unknown Italian Master, his name and biography remain a mystery. However, despite the lack of information about the author, the painting has been widely recognized and admired for its beauty and artistic quality.

Finally, there are some little-known aspects about this painting that make it even more interesting. For example, "Madonna and Child with a Goldfinch" is believed to have been created in the 15th century, during the Italian Renaissance, a time when art and religion were closely linked. In addition, this work has been the subject of numerous interpretations and analysis by art experts, which has contributed to its recognition and appreciation in the art world.

In short, "Madonna and Child with a Goldfinch" is a captivating painting noted for its Renaissance art style, balanced composition, use of color, and intriguing story. Although its author remains a mystery, this masterpiece continues to fascinate viewers with its timeless beauty and depiction of maternal devotion and tenderness.

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