Portrait of Urbain Cuenot

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price₩233,000 KRW


The Portrait of Urbain Cuenot painting, created by the French artist Gustave Courbet, is an exceptional example of realism in 19th century painting. The work, which has an original size of 56 x 47 cm, shows a middle-aged man with a calm and serene expression. The portrait is a faithful representation of the model, without decorations or idealizations.

Courbet's artistic style was characterized by his commitment to the honest and direct representation of reality. In this work, the artist uses a technique of loose, gestural brushwork, which creates a sensation of movement and life in the portrayed figure. Furthermore, the composition of the painting is simple but effective, with the model centered in the painting and surrounded by a dark, neutral background.

Color in Portrait of Urbain Cuenot is subtle and nuanced, with a palette of earthy tones and grays that reflect the sobriety and seriousness of portraiture. Courbet skilfully uses light and shadow to model the figure of the sitter and create a sense of depth in the painting.

The history of the painting is equally interesting. Urbain Cuenot was a close friend of the artist, and Courbet portrayed him several times in his career. This particular painting was done in 1865, during a period when Courbet was experiencing financial and personal difficulties. The work was sold to a private collector shortly after its creation and has passed through various hands ever since.

In short, Portrait of Urbain Cuenot is a fascinating work that stands out for its realistic style, effective composition, and subtle use of color. The story behind the painting also adds an additional layer of interest and depth to the work.

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