The Marriage of Queen Victoria, February 10, 1840

size(cm): 40x55
Sale price₩244,000 KRW


The painting "The Marriage of Queen Victoria, 10 February 1840" is a masterpiece by the artist George Hayter depicting the wedding of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert. This work is one of the most iconic and famous of the Victorian era, and is considered one of Hayter's best historical paintings.

The artistic style of the painting is classic and elegant, with a very careful and detailed composition. The figure of Queen Victoria is the center of attention, surrounded by a multitude of characters, including her husband Prince Albert, her mother the Duchess of Kent, and many other members of royalty and nobility.

The painting is full of interesting details, such as the characters' dresses and costumes, which are rendered with great detail and realism. Colors are vibrant and rich, with bright, warm tones that capture the festive and joyful atmosphere of the wedding.

One of the most interesting things about this painting is its history. It was commissioned by Queen Victoria to commemorate her wedding, and was painted by Hayter in his London studio from sketches and drawings made at the ceremony itself. The original painting was much larger than the version currently in the Royal Collection, and was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1842.

Another interesting aspect of this painting is that Hayter included many of his friends and family members as models for the characters in the painting. Even his own son appears in the play, dressed as a page.

In short, "The Marriage of Queen Victoria, 10 February 1840" is a masterpiece of Victorian art, with careful and detailed composition, vibrant colors and a fascinating story. It is one of the most famous and recognized paintings of the period, and it remains an impressive example of historical art.

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