Prince Baltasar Carlos with the Count-Duke of Olivares in the Royal Stables

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price₩223,000 KRW


"Prince Baltasar Carlos with the Count-Duke of Olivares at the Royal Mews" is a noted painting by Spanish artist Diego Rodríguez De Silva Y Velázquez. This 17th-century masterpiece is known for its exceptional artistic style, carefully planned composition, and use of color.

Velázquez's artistic style is characterized by his ability to capture reality with great detail and precision. In this painting, you can appreciate his mastery of the chiaroscuro technique, which is the contrast between light and shadow. This can be seen in the way the light illuminates the faces and clothing of the main characters, while the background is kept in shadow.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect. Velázquez places Prince Baltasar Carlos at the center of the work, surrounded by his entourage and the Count-Duke of Olivares. This hierarchical arrangement emphasizes the status and importance of the characters represented. Furthermore, the artist uses diagonal lines to direct the viewer's gaze towards the prince, creating a sense of movement and dynamism in the scene.

Regarding color, Velázquez used a rich and varied color palette. Warm and earthy tones predominate in the clothing of the characters, while the background is kept in darker and colder tones. This creates an interesting visual contrast and highlights the central figure of the prince.

The story behind this painting is also fascinating. It was commissioned by King Philip IV of Spain to commemorate the visit of his son, Prince Baltasar Carlos, to the royal stables. The Count-Duke of Olivares, who was the king's main adviser, was also included in the painting to highlight his closeness to the royal family.

In addition to its beauty and historical significance, there are lesser-known aspects of this painting. For example, Velázquez is believed to have included himself in the work, representing himself as a painter in the background of the scene. It has also been speculated that the white horse in the painting may represent the prince's purity and nobility.

In short, "Prince Baltasar Carlos with the Count-Duke of Olivares at the Royal Mews" is a remarkable painting that exhibits Velázquez's distinctive artistic style, carefully planned composition, masterful use of color, and an intriguing story. This masterpiece remains one of the most outstanding paintings of the Spanish Baroque period.

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