Portrait of Francesco Delle Opere

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price₩221,000 KRW


Pietro Perugino's Portrait of Francesco delle Opere is an impressive work of art that has captivated painting lovers for centuries. Measuring 52 x 44 cm, this portrait is an exceptional example of the Italian Renaissance artistic style, characterized by precision, realism and elegance.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the artist has used a very effective technique to create a sense of depth and dimension in the work. The portrait shows Francesco delle Opere seated on a chair, one hand resting on the arm of the chair while the other holds a book. The background of the painting is a natural landscape, which stretches towards the horizon and creates a feeling of spaciousness and space.

Color is another prominent aspect of this work, as Perugino has used a rich and vibrant palette to create a sense of life and movement in the painting. The warm, soft tones of Francesco's skin blend perfectly with the cool, natural colors of the landscape, creating a harmonious balance between the portrait and the background.

The story behind this painting is also very interesting. Francesco delle Opere was a wealthy and powerful man in 15th century Florence, and his portrait was commissioned by himself to commemorate his success and prestige. The painting was done by Pietro Perugino, one of the most important artists of the Italian Renaissance, who also worked for other important clients such as Pope Sixtus IV and the Medici.

In addition, there are little-known aspects of this work that make it even more fascinating. For example, it is believed that Perugino used a real sitter to create the portrait of Francesco, allowing him to capture his expression and personality in a very authentic and realistic way.

In short, the Portrait of Francesco delle Opere by Pietro Perugino is an exceptional work of art that combines the elegance, precision and beauty of the Italian Renaissance. Its composition, color, history and little-known details make this painting a unique and valuable jewel in the world of art.

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