Woman Writing a Letter

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price₩231,000 KRW


The painting "Woman Writing a Letter" by artist Gerard Terborch is a fascinating work that captures the viewer's attention from the first glance. Originally 38 x 29 cm in size, this 17th-century masterpiece has many interesting aspects worth exploring.

Regarding the artistic style, Terborch is known for his ability to portray everyday scenes with great detail and realism. "Woman Writing a Letter" is no exception, as it shows a woman sitting in a room, immersed in the task of writing a letter. The artist uses a precise and meticulous technique to capture every fold of the woman's clothing, as well as the details of the room and the objects that surround it.

The composition of the painting is another highlight. Terborch uses a triangular arrangement to guide the viewer's gaze through the scene. The woman, seated on a sofa, becomes the central focal point, while the objects around her, such as the table and the window, help to balance the composition. This carefully planned arrangement creates a sense of harmony and balance in the work.

As for color, Terborch uses a soft and subtle palette that reflects the elegance and serenity of the scene. Earthy tones dominate the painting, with hints of white and gray adding depth and contrast. These muted colors contribute to the calm and contemplative atmosphere of the work.

As for the history of the painting, "Woman Writing a Letter" was created around 1655-1656, during the height of Terborch's career. The artist was known for his ability to portray domestic scenes and the daily life of the Dutch upper class. In this particular work, Terborch offers us an intimate view of the life of a woman of the time, immersed in a private and personal activity such as writing a letter.

In addition to these more well-known aspects, there are lesser-known details that also deserve attention. For example, the woman depicted in the painting is believed to be the artist's sister, Gesina Terborch. This personal detail adds an additional layer of meaning to the work, as Terborch shows us an intimate moment between himself and his sister.

In short, Gerard Terborch's "Woman Writing a Letter" is a fascinating painting that combines a detailed, realistic art style with carefully planned composition. His soft and subtle color palette contributes to the calm atmosphere of the work. Plus, the story behind the painting, as well as lesser-known personal details, add further interest to this 17th-century masterpiece.

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