Julie Manet and her Greyhound

size(cm): 45x50
Sale price₩248,000 KRW


The painting Julie Manet and Her Greyhound by Berthe Morisot is a work that stands out for its impressionist artistic style. The French artist used loose and vibrant brushstrokes to create a bright and fresh atmosphere in which the figure of the young Julie Manet and her dog, an elegant gray greyhound, can be appreciated.

The composition of the work is very interesting, since Morisot chose to place Julie in the center of the painting, surrounded by a garden where flowers and plants can be seen. The young woman's gaze is directed towards the viewer, which creates a feeling of intimacy and closeness.

Regarding color, the work stands out for its soft and delicate palette, in which pastel tones and light colors predominate. Julie's dress is pale pink, which contrasts with the dark gray of the dog's fur.

The history of the painting is also very interesting. Julie Manet was the daughter of Morisot's sister, and the artist portrayed her on several occasions throughout her career. The work was painted in 1893, when Julie was 16 years old, and is a sign of the affection and closeness that existed between the artist and her niece.

In addition, there are some little-known aspects of the work. For example, it is known that Morisot had to make several versions of the painting, as Julie and her dog were constantly moving around during the painting sessions. It has also been speculated that the painting could be a criticism of the French society of the time, in which women were seen as mere ornaments and were not allowed to have an education or an artistic career.

In short, Julie Manet and Her Greyhound is a fascinating work that combines the artistic sensibility of Berthe Morisot with the youthful and elegant figure of her niece Julie. The painting is a sample of the talent and mastery of the impressionist artist, and remains a work of great beauty and charm for art lovers.

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