Horace Killing His Sister After The Defeat Of The Curiatii

size(cm): 45x75
Sale price₩313,000 KRW


The painting "Horatius Slaying His Sister after the Defeat of the Curiatii" by Francesco De Mura is an impressive piece of art that shows the story of a brother who kills his own sister after she cries over the death of her fiancé in the battle. The work is an example of the Italian Baroque style, which is characterized by its drama, its emphasis on movement and emotion, and its use of light and shadow to create an effect of depth.

The composition of the painting is particularly interesting, as De Mura uses a diagonal to divide the image into two parts. At the top, we see Horatius holding his bloody sword as his sister lies dead at his feet. At the bottom, we see Roman soldiers celebrating their victory over the curiatii. This division creates a visual tension that reflects the emotional tension of the story being told.

Color also plays an important role in the painting, with De Mura using dark, earthy tones to create a gloomy and gloomy atmosphere. However, there are also bright touches of colour, such as the red of Horatius's cloak and the blue of the sky in the background, which add visual interest to the work.

The story behind the painting is fascinating in itself, as it is based on a Roman legend that has been told and retold over the centuries. Although the story is tragic and violent, De Mura depicts it in a way that is moving and emotional, demonstrating his skill as an artist.

Overall, "Horatius Slaying His Sister after the Defeat of the Curiatii" is an impressive piece of art that demonstrates De Mura's skill as an artist and his ability to tell stories through painting. With its dramatic composition, its use of color, and its moving portrayal of an ancient legend, this painting remains one of the most outstanding works of Italian Baroque art.

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