The Kermis at the Half Moon Inn

size(cm): 50x70
Sale price₩308,000 KRW


The painting "The Kermis at the Half Moon Inn" by the artist David The Younger Tenier is a work that captivates with its unique artistic style and detailed composition. With an original size of 93 x 132 cm, this masterpiece immerses us in a lively and festive scene in a 17th century Dutch inn.

David The Younger Tenier's artistic style is characterized by his ability to capture everyday life and realistic detail. In "The Kermis at the Half Moon Inn", we can appreciate his skill in depicting the facial expressions and gestures of the characters, as well as in recreating the objects and architecture of the inn.

The composition of the painting is especially interesting, as The Younger Tenier skillfully manages to balance the multitude of characters and the different activities taking place in the scene. Through the strategic placement of characters and the use of perspective, the artist manages to create a sense of depth and movement in the painting.

The use of color in "The Kermis at the Half Moon Inn" is also notable. The Younger Tenier uses a palette of bright and warm colors, which contribute to the feeling of joy and celebration that is breathed in the scene. Earth tones and hints of red and yellow highlight the architecture of the inn and the costumes of the characters, creating a vibrant contrast.

The story behind this painting is also fascinating. "The Kermis at the Half Moon Inn" was commissioned by the Spanish royal family and became one of The Younger Tenier's most famous works. The painting depicts a fair, a popular festival that used to be held in the Netherlands at the time, where people gathered to enjoy activities such as games, music, and dance.

In addition to its aesthetic beauty, "The Kermis at the Half Moon Inn" also offers us an interesting insight into the life and culture of the time. Through the characters and scenes depicted, we can peek into life in a 17th-century inn, observing the social interactions, entertainment, and customs of the time.

In short, "The Kermis at the Half Moon Inn" by David The Younger Tenier is a fascinating painting that stands out for its artistic style, composition, coloring, and its depiction of everyday life in the 17th century. This masterpiece transports us to a bygone era and invites us to explore and enjoy a lively party in a Dutch inn.

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