Flowers in a Vase

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price₩235,000 KRW


The painting Flowers in a Vase by Hans Bollongier is a masterpiece of floral art from the 17th century. This painting shows a variety of flowers in a clear glass vase, which stands majestically against a dark and gloomy background. The composition is impressive, with the flowers arranged in layers and at different angles to create a sense of depth and movement.

Bollongier uses a detailed and realistic painting technique to capture the beauty of each individual flower. Colors are vibrant and rich, with shades of red, yellow, and blue contrasting beautifully against the dark background. The light filtering through the glass of the vase adds a touch of luminosity to the painting, making the flowers appear even more alive and fresh.

The story behind the painting is interesting as very little is known about the artist and his work. Bollongier is believed to have been a Dutch artist who lived in the 1630s, and this painting is believed to have been one of his most famous works. However, how he became so skilled at painting flowers is unknown, as there are no records of him receiving any formal training in this field.

Little-known aspects of the painting include the presence of insects and animals hidden among the flowers, such as a butterfly and a spider. These details add an additional layer of interest to the work, and demonstrate Bollongier's ability to capture nature in all its complexity.

In short, Flowers in a Vase is a stunning work of art noted for its detailed and realistic painting technique, impressive composition, and vibrant use of color. The story behind the painting and the hidden details add a touch of mystery and fascination to this masterpiece of floral art.

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