Fashion show at Longchamp

size(cm): 45x65
Sale price₩285,000 KRW


The painting "Parade in Longchamp" by French artist Henri Gervex is an impressive work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. This artwork was created in 1889 and its original size is 106 x 147 cm.

Gervex's artistic style is characterized by its realism and attention to detail. In "Parade in Longchamp", we can see how the artist has captured the excitement and energy of the crowd attending the horse race at Longchamp. Each character in the painting is carefully drawn and painted, giving a sense of movement and life to the scene.

The composition of the painting is also impressive. Gervex uses a perspective in which the viewer feels as if they are in the middle of the crowd, looking out over the race track. The way the characters are arranged in the painting is also very interesting. The artist uses a technique known as "genre painting", in which he depicts people of different social classes and ages in the same scene.

The use of color in "Parade in Longchamp" is another highlight of the work. Gervex uses a palette of vibrant and saturated colors to represent the clothing and hats of the viewers. This creates a striking contrast with the green of the grass and the blue of the sky, making the painting even more striking.

The story behind the painting is also interesting. "Parade in Longchamp" was commissioned by horse racing businessman Edmond Blanc, who wanted a painting that represented the excitement and energy of racing at Longchamp. The painting was first exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1890, where it was very well received by the public and critics.

In short, "Parade in Longchamp" is a stunning work of art that stands out for its artistic style, composition, use of color, and the story behind it. It is a painting that remains relevant and exciting even more than a century after its creation.

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