Christ of Mercy

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price₩219,000 KRW


The painting "Christ of Mercy" by the artist Diego De La Cruz is a work that attracts attention for its artistic style and composition. This work is a representation of Christ, in which you can see the figure of the Savior with open arms, showing his love and mercy towards humanity.

The artistic style of the work is very interesting, since the influence of different artistic currents can be appreciated. On the one hand, you can see the influence of the Italian Renaissance, in the way the figure of Christ has been depicted, with great attention to detail and great technical skill. On the other hand, the influence of the Spanish Baroque can also be appreciated, in the way in which light and shadow have been used to create a dramatic effect in the work.

The composition of the work is very effective, since a perspective in which Christ is seen from below has been used, which gives it a feeling of grandeur and majesty. In addition, a dark background has been used that highlights the figure of Christ and gives it a light effect.

In terms of color, a palette of warm and earthy tones has been used, giving the work a feeling of warmth and serenity. In addition, a glaze technique has been used that gives the work a sense of depth and light.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been done in the 17th century by Diego De La Cruz, a Spanish artist who worked in the court of Philip IV. The work was commissioned by the Brotherhood of Mercy of Seville, and has become one of the most important works of the artist.

As for little-known aspects, it is known that the work was restored in the 19th century, and that a crown of thorns and a wound on Christ's side were added, which were not present in the original work. In addition, the work is believed to have been influenced by Velázquez's "El Cristo de San Plácido", which depicts Christ in a similar way.

In conclusion, the painting "Christ of Mercy" by Diego De La Cruz is an interesting work for its artistic style, its composition, its color and its history. It is a work that represents the love and mercy of Christ towards humanity, and that has been valued throughout the centuries for its beauty and its spiritual message.

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