Celebration of the Peace of Münster, 1648, at the Headquarters of Los Ballesteros

size(cm): 50x115
Sale price₩424,000 KRW


The painting "Celebration of the Peace of Münster, 1648, at the Crossbowmen's Headquarters" by artist Bartholomeus Van Der Helst is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting the celebration of peace between Spain and the Netherlands after the Eighties War Years.

Van Der Helst's artistic style is characterized by precision and realism in the depiction of characters and details. In this work, you can see the faces and clothing of each of the participants in the celebration, as well as the architecture and objects that surround the scene.

The painting's composition is impressive, as Van Der Helst manages to balance the number of characters in the scene without making it feel overwhelming. The characters are arranged in groups and are highlighted by their clothing and positions, which creates a sense of movement and dynamism in the scene.

Color is another interesting aspect of the work, as Van Der Helst uses a palette of bright, warm tones that emphasize joy and the celebration of peace. Gold, red and green colors predominate in the clothing of the characters and in the decorative objects of the scene.

The history of the painting is fascinating, as it was commissioned by the Amsterdam Guild of Arquebusiers to commemorate the Peace of Münster and became a symbol of unity and peace between the Dutch provinces.

A little known aspect of the work is that Van Der Helst included his own portrait in the painting, as one of the characters in the scene. It is also said that some of the characters depicted in the painting are portraits of historical figures and important figures of the time.

In summary, "Celebration of the Peace of Münster, 1648, at the Crossbowmen's Headquarters" is an impressive work of art that stands out for its artistic style, composition, color, and its historical and cultural significance.

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