Alcestis sacrifices herself for Admetus

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price₩220,000 KRW


The painting "Alcestis Sacrifices Herself for Admetus" by the artist Friedrich Heinrich Füger is a masterpiece that combines neoclassical style with romanticism. The composition of the work is impressive, with a central figure of Alcestis at the center of the painting, surrounded by a group of women in the background. The figure of Alcestis is depicted with great strength and determination, suggesting her sacrifice for Admetus.

The use of color in the painting is remarkable, with deep, dark tones creating a dramatic and emotional mood. Light and shadow are used with great skill to create the illusion of depth and texture in the painting.

The story behind the painting is also very interesting. Alcestis was a heroine in Greek mythology who sacrificed her life for her husband Admetus. Füger portrays this moment in which Alcestis prepares to sacrifice herself for her beloved, in an act of love and loyalty.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that it was commissioned by Austrian Emperor Francis II for the Gallery of Heroes in the Hofburg Palace in Vienna. The work was one of the first to be exhibited in the gallery and became one of its most popular.

In summary, the painting "Alcestis Sacrifices Herself for Admetus" is an impressive work of art that combines neoclassical style with romanticism. The composition, the color and the story behind the painting are all interesting aspects that make this work one of the most outstanding works of the 19th century.

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