Portrait of a Polish Man

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price₩234,000 KRW


Portrait of a Polish Man is an impressive work by the Hungarian artist Ádám Mányoki, noted for its refined artistic style and carefully designed composition. The painting shows an unknown Polish man, who appears to be posing for the artist with a serious and thoughtful expression.

Mányoki's artistic style is typical of the 18th century, with meticulous attention to detail and a smooth and delicate painting technique. The composition of the painting is impressive, with the Polish man placed in the center of the image, surrounded by a dark and mysterious background that gives him an air of dignity and authority.

The color used in the painting is also notable, with a palette of warm, earthy tones that bring a sense of warmth and depth to the image. The Polish man's clothing is painted with impressive precision, with every fold and texture carefully rendered.

The history of the painting is also fascinating, as it is believed to have been painted in the 1730s for an unknown Polish client. The work was acquired by the National Museum in Krakow in the 20th century, and has been one of the most outstanding pieces in its collection ever since.

Among the lesser-known aspects of the painting is its possible relationship to the Polish court of the time, as well as its influence on 18th-century European painting. It has also been speculated that the Polish man could be an important character of the time, although this has not been confirmed.

In short, Portrait of a Polish Man is a masterpiece of 18th-century European art, noted for its refined artistic style, careful composition, and rich color palette. An impressive piece of art history that continues to fascinate art lovers around the world.

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