Alchitrof, The Emperor of Ethiopia

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price₩220,000 KRW


The painting Alchitrof, Emperor of Ethiopia by Cristofano Dell'Altissimo is a work of art that stands out for its Renaissance artistic style and its detailed and precise composition. The piece, which measures 59 x 42 cm, shows the Ethiopian Emperor Alchitrof with a majestic posture and a firm and determined gaze.

The artist has used a rich and vibrant color palette to represent the emperor, with gold and red tones highlighting his position as leader. In addition, the painting features meticulous details in the emperor's clothing and the decorations on his throne, demonstrating the artist's technical skill.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Alchitrof was an Ethiopian emperor who ruled in the 16th century and was known for his bravery and his fight against the Portuguese invasion of his territory. Dell'Altissimo's work was commissioned by Duke Cosimo I de' Medici, who had a keen interest in Ethiopian culture and art.

Also, there are little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more interesting. For example, it is believed that the artist never visited Ethiopia and that he used descriptions and traveler's accounts to create his depiction of the emperor. It has also been suggested that the figure of the emperor in the painting was inspired by a portrait of an Ethiopian nobleman who was sent to Europe as an ambassador.

In summary, the painting Alchitrof, Emperor of Ethiopia by Cristofano Dell'Altissimo is a work of art that stands out for its Renaissance style, detailed composition, and vibrant color palette. The story behind the painting and the little-known aspects of its creation make it even more fascinating and worthy of admiration.

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