Saint Roch Asking the Virgin Mary to Heal the Victims of the Plague

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price₩207,000 KRW


The painting St Roch Asking the Virgin Mary to Heal Victims of the Plague by artist Jacques-Louis David is an impressive work that showcases his ability to create dramatic and emotional compositions. The painting, which measures 260 x 195 cm, centers on the Catholic saint Saint Roch, who is kneeling before the Virgin Mary, asking her to heal the victims of the plague.

David's artistic style is characterized by precision and attention to detail. In this work, you can see the detailed folds of the characters' dresses, as well as the wrinkles in the skin of San Roque. Furthermore, the artist uses a rich and vibrant color palette, giving the painting a sense of life and movement.

The composition of the work is impressive, with San Roque in the center of the image, surrounded by a crowd of people who look at him with hope and faith. The Virgin Mary, seated on a golden throne, looks down with a compassionate expression. In the background, a plague-ravaged city can be seen, adding a touch of realism and drama to the work.

The story behind the painting is equally interesting. San Roque is a saint revered by the Catholic Church as a protector against the plague and other diseases. David, who lived during the time of the French Revolution, created this work in 1780, at a time when the plague was raging in Europe.

In addition, there is a little-known aspect of the work that is interesting. Some art historians believe that David used his own son as a model to represent Saint Roch in the painting. If this is true, it adds a personal and emotional touch to the work.

In summary, the painting St Roch Asking the Virgin Mary to Heal Victims of the Plague by Jacques-Louis David is an impressive work that shows his ability to create dramatic and emotional compositions. With its attention to detail, vibrant color palette, and interesting history, this painting is one of the artist's most outstanding works.

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