Saint George Fighting the Dragon

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price₩218,000 KRW


The painting St George Fighting the Dragon by Peter Paul Rubens is a masterpiece of Baroque art that attracts the viewer's attention with its drama and beauty. The work, which measures 304 x 256 cm, depicts Saint George, the patron saint of England, fighting a ferocious dragon.

Rubens' artistic style is characterized by his use of light and color to create a sense of movement and emotion in painting. In St George Fighting the Dragon, Rubens uses his technique of loose, vibrant brushwork to bring the scene to life. The details of the dragon's armor and scales are carefully rendered, demonstrating the artist's ability to create realistic textures.

The composition of the painting is another of its most outstanding characteristics. The main figure of Saint George is in the center of the work, surrounded by the dragon and other secondary characters. The scene is designed to create a sense of tension and movement, making the viewer feel like they are part of the fight.

Color also plays an important role in the work. Rubens uses a bright and intense color palette to create a sense of vitality and energy in the scene. The gold and red tones of Saint George's armor contrast with the greens and blues of the dragon, making the painting even more impressive.

The story behind the painting is also interesting. St George Fighting the Dragon was commissioned by King Philip IV of Spain to decorate his palace in Madrid. The work was painted in 1638 and is currently in the National Gallery in London.

In short, St George Fighting the Dragon by Peter Paul Rubens is a masterpiece of Baroque art that stands out for its technique, composition, color and the story behind it. It is a painting that continues to impress viewers to this day.

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