initiation of the witches

size(cm): 50x70
Sale price₩308,000 KRW


The painting "Witches' Initiation" by artist David The Younger Tenier is an intriguing work that captures the imagination and mystery of witchcraft in the 17th century. With an original size of 48 x 70 cm, this painting presents a rich variety of interesting aspects that make it a unique piece in its style and theme.

In terms of artistic style, "Witches' Initiation" reflects the Flemish Baroque, characterized by its attention to detail and skilful use of light and shadow to create depth and realism. The Younger Tenier shows his mastery of this technique by accurately depicting the faces and expressions of the witches, as well as the details of their clothing and the environment in which they find themselves.

The painting's composition is captivating, as The Younger Tenier uses a triangular arrangement to guide the viewer's gaze to the center of the scene. At the center of the painting is a female figure, possibly the leader of the initiation, surrounded by other witches who are watching her reverently. This arrangement creates a sense of hierarchy and mystery, while emphasizing the importance of the central figure in the ritual.

Regarding color, The Younger Tenier uses a palette of dark and earthy tones to represent the gloomy and mysterious atmosphere of the scene. Warm, muted colors such as brown and dark green contribute to the sense of magic and occultism that pervades the painting.

The history of "Witches' Initiation" is fascinating, as it is believed to have been commissioned by King Philip IV of Spain. Although witchcraft was considered a serious crime at the time, the king had a particular interest in the subject and collected witchcraft-related art. This painting, therefore, may have been part of that private collection.

In addition to these known aspects, there are some lesser known but equally interesting details about "Witches' Initiation". For example, The Younger Tenier is believed to have been inspired by earlier works by artists such as Francisco de Goya and Hieronymus Bosch to create this painting. This influence can be seen in the surreal and fantastic elements present in the scene.

In conclusion, "Witches' Initiation" is a captivating painting that combines the Flemish Baroque style with an intriguing theme. Its composition, color and hidden details make it a work of art worthy of admiration and study.

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